Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Dreaded Return

I'm giving up
on love and coconuts
on paradise and happiness
and a white knight in shining armor

I sit here
day after day
watching the fairytales play out
for everyone but me
In wide screen with surround sound

Maybe love doesn't really exist
just a fairytale we tell our kids
to give them hope
to give ourselves hope
Maybe love is just a tolerance that is overdramatisiced
merely for effect
and to one up the neighbors

I'm giving up
on love and coconuts
on the deception
and the illusion

All it's ever brought me is heartbreak
or a very realistic facsimile
I've been a fool to believe
there is someone out there
someone who cares so deeply
for me
someone who could change my mood
with just a glance

Someone who'll whisk me away
to anywhere
as long as we're together
we could live on love
and I'm nuts

for believing in stories
wishing on shooting stars
and not shedding the skin of a child
for holding on to nothing but pure fancy
as if it were truth

going to bed every night
wondering why my dreams
don't come true
Everyone else's seem to
But they're dreams
that's all they're meant to be

If people could really live
on love and coconuts
why would we need supermarkets
or restaurants
or divorces

I must stop lying to myself
let the poetry of the young mind go
thoughts of hope
of happiness
of love
thrown away
with rotten coconuts

But I can't
I can't let go
not while there's still a glimmer of a chance
I wasn't wrong all those years ago
not while there's a possibility
tomorrow things will change

Not while there's still hope
my body was designed to live
on nothing but
love and coconuts

Come Fly With Me

I don't know what came over me
nothing made sense
even less than usual
I can't remember if it was before or after
I thought about you
maybe it was the whole time
And I missed you
something I have tried not to do
something I'm doing now

It's been a while since I spoke to you
since you left
But the thought of you has brought me to tears
two days in a row now
That's quite a few
not just anyone can do that
I'm not sure if they even have

I was driving
the roads were slick
and I had to fight the urge
to pull the wheel to the left
and hit the gas
and feel the impact

it had nothing to do with you
it had nothing to do with dying
it had everything to do with living
tempting fate
to see if it would be real

It didn't seem like it could be
but I didn't
because I was afraid it could be real
wouldn't you say?

That wasn't supposed to be mean
I'm sorry
I'm sorry I even thought that

I regained my composure
blew off my thoughts
my fears
my emotions
shook off what made me human
and came back to myself

Then the rain turned to snow
and my breaks wouldn't stop
and for a brief second
I knew it was real
and I thought of you
or I would have
if I wasn't trying so hard to control the car
3.3 seconds
or maybe less

But I stopped
Thank God I stopped
or thank you
I'm not sure yet